Friday, February 14, 2020

Professor and Student in aGgun-Fight within the University Essay

Professor and Student in aGgun-Fight within the University - Essay Example The House of Representatives is just about to pass the bill, thus coming into a recognized policy. Hampikian sounds startled by the proposed law and in an amusing way, asks when he can shoot a student. Hampikian is interested in getting the bill approved though he is also considering the adverse effects that the policy is likely to have. Is it not a perplexing situation to see a lecturer pointing his/her gun to a student? And what happens when the student draws his gun in self-defense? Hampikian’s credibility is well established when he seeks legal instruction on what the rules of engagement in class will be once the students and professors start carrying guns to school. He invites dialog between the stakeholders both at the state level and the Boise University. According to him, it seems quite strange for a lecturer to carry a gun to his place of work since his responsibility is dealing with students only. He expresses this as a matter of practical concern. He is, however, accommodative of the change. He has no problems with the students carrying guns. He is currently acknowledging the fact that even right now, the students can still fight back using their pencils, when totally disgruntled, although he has no fears for the pencil since he always carries his pen as well. His credibility is further shown by the position he holds at the university. He is a professor of biology at the same university. This shows his credibility in that he appreciates the studen ts’ rights to defend themselves when necessary (Hampikian para 3). According to the author, permitting guns to campus will have an effect on the ethics and the organizational culture of the institution. Ethics refer to the norms followed in a particular organization. They define the conduct of conduct by all the players in the particular organization. Concerned with the ethics of the university and the Idaho State at large, Hampikian prompts the Legislators to consider the repercussions of  minor engagements that normally arise when students are carrying out their daily activities at the university, before making their final decision.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

State and Society in 20th Century China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

State and Society in 20th Century China - Essay Example s made it possible â€Å"to fight corruption, remove superfluous political intrusion in the economy and launch the rule of law, democratic culture and democratic institutions† (Li, 2003). Deng’s policy made a great emphasis on correct organizational line. His ideas made policy of China well-structured and coherent. He took into account experiences of previous years under guidance of Mao. Deng insisted that this politician had a lot of achievements and though he had mistakes in his policy, the first and foremost were his advances. Thus Deng was guided by concept of socialism: â€Å"The ends justify the means.† Further on Deng made out a perfect unification of Communist Party strategies and Chinese cultural issues. â€Å"Socialism with Chinese characteristics† was of his primary concern (Gittings, 2005). An open policy, integration of Four Cardinal principles (following path of socialism, support of the dictatorship of the proletariat, guidance by the Communist Party and Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought) political and economic reforms signified Deng’s policy (Gittings, 2005). His policy had two basic poles: socialist democracy development and intensification of socialist legal system (Gittings, 2005). A holistic approach to changes made Deng-era a landmark in Chinese history. On the basis of crucial role of leadership and through strategic directions of economic reforms led to totalitarian regime of the country. If to sum up his political reforms, they were as follows: innovations of state apparatus, development of incentives among working class people. He claimed on delegation of power from governmental level to lower levels and further cooperation on all power levels. Deng’s policy made a great emphasis on correct organizational line. His ideas made policy of China well-structured and coherent. Of course, his political incentives were hard to be embodied to the fullest extent, thus it required a complex political approach. Economic system has also