Thursday, May 21, 2020

Healthcare Crisis And Affordable Care Act - 1317 Words

Healthcare Crisis Affordable Care Act During the 2008 presidential election, the issue of health care reform became a pressing issue, mainly among the Democrats. Supporters quoted that nearly 46 million Americans were uninsured while 25 million did not have sufficient health coverage. The costly monthly insurance premiums led countless individuals to fully rely on government entitled programs for their health care needs. Upon his election, President Obama made health care reform the focus of his agenda during his first year as President. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) or Affordable Care Act (ACA) for short, is the new health care reform law in the United States of America and is often referred to by its nickname Obama Care. The Affordable Care Act was signed into law on March 23, 2010, to reform health care in the United States of America. ACA is a part of the Democratic Congress and President Obama’s efforts to reform the American health care system in order to provide health insurance to millions of uninsured American citizens and lower the expenses linked to health care. This new health care act is one that contains various enhancements to the quality and availability, as well as the affordability of health insurance. There have also been improvements with the new cost cutting measures, rules and regulations for both public and private health insurance companies along with the health care industry. Since the ACA was signed into law,Show MoreRelatedThe Affordable Care Act Of The United States1563 Words   |  7 PagesHealthcare in the United States is in a crisis situation. Healthcare costs are rising to the point where people are required to pay their health insurance premiums and deductibles over having enough money to cover groceries to feed the family. 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For many years, politicians have been struggling to enact a healthcare reform. Finally, in March 2010 the Affordable Care act was written into law (Hammer, Phillips, Schmidt, 2010). There have been many debates on the pros and cons and how effective this act will be at achieving the goal. These debatesRead MoreThe Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act1281 Words   |  6 Pagesas a whole is facing a major crisis. This ordeal would be due to a healthcare crisis. This is a very big issue that we the people are faced with. It seems small on a large scale, but economically it is massive. Many established or up and coming countries have the privilege of universal health care coverage. The greatest county to ever govern this world, a view by many nations, cannot seem to execute a plan that will set this action in motion. 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